
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rhythm and Flow

I've always loved a poem that had a meaning or purpose, balance, melody, and actually rhymed. Somehow without these key elements I've always felt that something was missing. I strive to create that feeling through my poetry, that feeling that only something that was written just right has the power to bring out of us.

This is a new one that i just finished earlier today.

Rhythm and Flow

Where to turn
- Where to go
With so much spinning
- Out of control
- Rhythm and flow
Open up
- Let it go
With paper and ink
- Calm the restless soul

Don't forget to vote on that poll I posted a few days ago. I really want opinions on that. :)

Post By: Art and Poetry

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What do you think?

So the other day I got an idea but I'm not sure if I should implement it in my site or not... The idea is to not only show my work on this site but to do review of famous artists and poets and show some of their work as well... Do you think that this is a good idea?

I'm going to post a poll for this on my site... It will be just to right right of my "about me"... I want your feedback on this... :)

Post By: Art and Poetry Blog

Friday, July 22, 2011

Poetry: The Pen is Mighty

Hey everybody... Just getting up... I hope its not as hot today like it has been... Its been crazy... Had a nice rainstorm though... Some pretty sweet lightning and the rain was definitely refreshing... Does a storm like that ever make any of you just feel like getting out a pen and paper? Well it does me...

I don't know why but i find that poetry is more powerful than any form of speech... Well not just any poetry... Some time you come across a bunch of words that just rhyme but have no real meaning... In my opinion, that is not poetry... To truly be poetry a writer needs inspiration to write or it's just words... That is why I consider poetry an art form... Poetry requires thought, meaning, an idea... It doesn't really matter what that idea is, it could be just about anything... But there is just something about poetry that has the ability to awww any reader, assuming it is good enough... Like a wow that's deep, or huh I never would have thought of that... I hope what I write has that ability...


Living in nightmare,
One day to be there,
Some say, "This isn't fair,"
I say, "I don't care."
All this will mend,
When it comes to an end.
All will be unfurled.
We're just living in a dreamworld.


The demons on our shoulders ever restless,
They say we're such a mess.
Why do we argue and why do we fight?
It is only to their delight.
Is it really that hard,
To keep pushing forward?
Win or lose,
Our hands alone will choose

Post By: Art and Poetry Blog

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm back!

Hey guys and girls! It's been a pretty crazy summer but I'm back...

I meant to be back much sooner than this but sometimes plans change... I got a summer job as a Resident Hall Assistant at my school and that requires me to be able to go at any given time if I'm needed and makes it very difficult to keep up with something like this... I'm not gonna complain, it has its perks and I like the job alot...

Well enough of that... I've got a couple new drawings for ya.

I wanted to create something unlike any of the other stuff that I have done... Mission accomplished... lol I believe that in alot of cases a drawing like this captures the emotions of the artist more than a realistically drawn subject matter... And that is one of the big things that makes art artistic... In my opinion, something an artist creates isnt art without inspiration and emotion... I really enjoyed making this and like the way it turned out so I may make more like it...

This is an older piece but I still like it... Sometimes I just try to draw something that shows depth... I like to experiment with different ways of doing so... Maybe that makes me weird... I dunno... But did I ever claim to be normal?

Post By: Art and Poetry Blog

Friday, May 6, 2011

Charcoal & Pastel

My favorite mediums! Charcoal, like i said before, has to be THE most forgiving medium that I have ever dealt with. Its awesome. I used to always do sketches in pencil because I loved the ability to erase and you cant do that with paints or crayons or anything else I had used. I also loved colored pencils for the same reason. In my opinion part of being a "good" artist is not necessarily being able to make something perfect and exactly how you want it, but to have the ability to cover up those mistakes and make it appear that you never made a mistake in the first place.

Well I said earlier that I was goin to try and have some more drawings up so I guess I better get on to that. I feel like I've ranted enough for now. And why not start with some made with my favorite, charcoal. :D

This one is a portrait of my fiancĂ©e. Love you baby!

This one I just sat down and started doodling and it evolved into something pretty cool I think.

And this is a landscape from my school.

And then there is more or less charcoal's color equivalent, chalk pastels. I love chalk pastels, aside from the horrible smell of course. Buh.

Anyways. Another landscape.

And this one I found interesting. Another landscape but the colors are inverted O.o

Well I hope you enjoyed the post today. I figured I would give you a big one since I'm not sure how much I will be on in the next 2 weeks. I'm going on vacation to visit my dad and I don't think I will have internet. >.< Crazy right? Who doesn't have internet in this day and age? Oh well... Anywho.... Thanks for reading and I'll be back whenever I manage to find a hotspot. lol

Post By: Art and Poetry Blog

Its finally over... For now...

Hey guys. Not sure how much time I'm gonna have today. Moving out of my dorm and all kinds of other stuff today. Gonna try to get some more drawings up by tonight but no promises.

And come on. Vote on the poll. Let me know how I'm doin. lol

Post By: Art and Poetry Blog

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Who Doesn't Like Poetry?

I don't see how a single person on this earth could actually say they hate poetry. At least somewhere deep down inside there has got to be at least a seed of liking for some form of poetry, even if its not what we normally think of as poetry. I've heard many people say that they don't like poetry or poetry is for the weak. But to be honest most of those people have probably never tried writing for themselves. Idk. Maybe poetry isn't their thing but writing is one of the best ways I've ever found to get what I have to say out rather than keeping it bottled inside. Its on paper or the computer screen in front of you. And even if you never share what you wrote with anyone it makes the world seem brighter and load you carry just a little bit lighter.

Well thats enough of a rant for today I think... How bout you? lol

Anyways. Speaking of poetry, I found a few more older short poems.

Head Games

Fantasized, Dramatized, Reanalyzed
By the mind; Victimized

In the corner timid
Thoughts all too vivid

Love, Hate, Confusion
Is it all an illusion?

The Storm Inside

Storm of emotion
Like a raging ocean
Inside of me
Churning and burning-

Post By: Art and Poetry Blog

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Few Sculptures

Found out today that I got an A in my Sculpture class this semester. Awesome. Just got back from the shop and I've got a few pictures. Assignments for the semester were a life sized clay bust, a plaster sculpture, a wood construction, and a box sculpture. It has been quite an adventure dealing with all of these; I've never done plaster or box sculptures before.

The clay sculpture took up most of the class for a lot of us. I love clay, but learned why it should never be left out for long periods of time. Someone in the class left clay in a jar for a few weeks and it molded and smelled horrible.  : X

Plaster sculptures are pretty interesting. I like mine but its not entirely finished. I need to add a bit more plaster and smooth it out but due to the amount of time we had for class it was left a little more rough than I really wanted. It was created in five pieces and put together later. I wish someone had told me before hand how much of a pain in the butt making it in multiple pieces would be. We literally had about 5 minutes after the plaster became usable to get it how we wanted it before it hardened.

Another sculpture I had no experience with was box sculptures. Really i had no idea that they existed. Our guide lines for the project were to for it to be a box that either contained or appeare to contain something, generally by using found objects or something like that.

And lastly, wood. To be honest, I had to rush on the wood piece and put it together in about 2-3 hours the night before it was due. But I kinda like it anyway.

Sculpture is not really my forte... But I enjoy it... lol

Post By: Art and Poetry Blog

To the Work Shop

Well guys it is the end of the school year and that means that I have to go and pick up my work from the schools art shop. And you guessed it that means that I am going to have some more pictures up tonight of some of my work. I'm absolutely starving so I'm gonna go get some food and I'll have those pictures up for you guys later. Cya!

dofollow blogs

Post By: Art and Poetry Blog

Some older writings

Hey guys its me again. I was looking through some notebooks and found a couple older poems and figured I would post em on here. Hope my fiancĂ© doesn't mind as these were written after a break-up with a girlfriend long before our engagement. Oh well, I know she has read them before.


Adrift in a sea of lingering agony
Amusing how no one can see
This outer skin, so thin and frail
These eyes, filled with sorrow so pale
Suppressing emotion; holding the facade
Covering the emptiness of a heart so clawed
By deceit, ripped open once again
Never able to heal the pain
Quietly on the brink of insanity
Living on in endless vanity

Living in Misery

Fear, misery, and doubt
Alone, down, and out
A future, without you, I've dread
So much; left unsaid

Such Dispair-
     Now you're gone
On this nightmare-
     Will there come a dawn?

Post By: Art and Poetry Blog
I almost forgot to add some of my drawings on here. Musta been too tired last night to think about it. Anyways drawing is kind of my thing as far as art goes. I've loved to draw as long as I could remember and was able to pick up a crayon.

On of my favorite mediums is charcoal. Messy, yes. But it is about the most forgiving medium I've dealt with in any form of art.

Here is a portrait of an old college friend. Miss ya Zilly!

And this is one of my favorite pieces I've done. I never was much for art that wasn't realism or naturalism until recently. I've learned that that allows for more creativity and possibly more emotion in art. This is one that came from me just playing around with some charcoal one day.

And my second favorite medium for drawing to charcoal only due to the awful smell - chalk pastel.

Its SONIC! (hey ya gotta have some fun with it right?)

Post By: Art and Poetry Blog

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The First - Decidedly Not the Last

Well first things first I figure I ought to introduce myself to anyone who may stumble upon my page. My name is Derek and I'm a college student (another college kid blogging, like there aren't enough of those right?) studying Art at a small school that I doubt any of you have ever heard of. I don't consider myself to be a professional writer or artist by any means. Poetry and Art have always been hobbies of mine and that I think is how it should be kept. When writing or drawing or sculpture, etc is turned into work the drive and inspiration is often lost. True Art is a passion not a profession.

As I'm sure that any of you viewing this blog can see this is a new journey for me. A clean page on a new blog that I intend to fill up and hope that at least someone out there finds it pleasing. But poetry is more than that. Or at least it should be. As long as poetry has a fulfilling meaning to its author then whether there is an audience or not it holds a purpose. And therein lies the essence of all forms of Art, not just poetry.

But I'll get off my little soap box and share a little bit of what I'm about.

The Forbidden Fairytale

Looking to the future-
     No longer behind
Longing for more-
     Hoping to find
Someone like you-
     To cherish and hold
Someone like you-
     To make me feel whole

I long to be in your loving embrace
Once empty heart now quiver and race
But fear and shaking does overtake
Wondering, Wondering-
     How do I make
You to be mine-
     When you're not mine to take?

I take you in my arms
I lock lips with your's
And finally I see
What makes my heart soar.
At last, my other half,
It's you I adore.

Love's Eternal Dance

Wishing, Waiting, Debating
Loving, Longing, Hating

Love is all I've wanted.
Love is what I've found.
But by the past we're haunted;
Hearts tangled like thread unwound.

Post By: Art and Poetry Blog
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